Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Review: Secret Love

Cast: Hwang Jung Eum, Ji Sung, Bae Soo Bin, Lee Da Hee

A rich "bad boy" falls in love with an innocent but tenacious woman who went to prison for her boyfriend's 'hit and run' murder. As story unfolds, secrets began to reveal.. (cre: wikipedia)

Drama tahun 2013 sepanjang 16 eps ini cocok buat yang kangen sama tipe2 drama heavy romance.
Ceritanya, Kang Yoo Jung dan Ahn Do Hoon ini sepasang kekasih, uda mo merit pula, but pada satu malam, Ahn Do Hoon nabrak seseorang terus kabur.
Yang ditabrak itu ternyata adalah pacarnya Jo Min Hyuk yg sedang hamil, si pacar meninggal.

Ahn Do Hoon mengorbankan kekasihnya, Kang Yoo Jung yang akhirnya dipenjara karena kasus tabrakan tersebut. Meskipun sudah dipenjara... Jo Min Hyuk masih ga bisa terima kalo kekasihnya itu sudah meninggal, jadi seringkali dia datang ke penjara cuma untuk mengingatkan betapa bencinya dia sama Kang Yoo Jung.

Setelah keluar dari penjara, Kang Yoo Jung berusaha untuk menghilang dari pandangan Jo Min Hyuk (ini cowo yah, bener2 d, mulai dari penjara sampe bebas, sampe kemana pun si Yoo Jung pergi, semua di-stalk) :lol:
Tapi usaha KYJ sia2, kemanapun dia pergi JMH pasti bisa menemukannya.

Menariknya.. Jo Min Hyuk yang awal2 mengikuti Yoo Jung karena mau balas dendam (tapi ga sanggup buat 'bunuh' KJY) merasa heran sendiri, bolak balik dia mempertanyakan dirinya sendiri, soalnya kalo dilihat dari sifatnya KJY, ga mgk cewe itu melakukan hit and run. Akhirnya JMH memutuskan utk melakukan penyelidikan.

I won't talk about the cast, they're all great! I think it's great how Jo Min Hyuk portrayed his hatred and love towards Kang Yoo Jung. How both of them tries to deny each other, hurts each other, even the red string, the bond between them is very strong. It's very amusing how Jo Min Hyuk got confused over his feeling and how funny when he told his assistant to go back and forth following Yoo Jung.

I'm glad that Yoo Jung don't end up with that 'evil' Ahn Doo Hoon. She's such a strong and tough woman. Her vulnerable side has charmed Jo Min Hyuk deeply. She faces Ahn Do Hoon bravely.
She tries so hard not to fall with Jo Min Hyuk, but she just can't help it.

I was amazed how evil Ahn Do Hoon could be, he lied, he told Yoo Jung to go to jail and then abandoned her, he seduced Jo Min Hyuk fiancee,  Shin Se Yeon, he even used with his own child to his advantage! Such a unbelieveable character! Though, in the end he regretted all deeply, but I don't convince at all.

At first, Shin Se Yeon is truly a 'cold' woman. As a doll to her father status, she sees the arranged marriage with Jo Min Hyuk as a change to break away from her family and a chance to expand her wealth, she actually like Jo Min Hyuk since their were teenage. But when she sees JMH falls for Yoo Jung, she just can't take it, she agrees to help Ahn Do Hoon but later she realized in a hard way that JHM could never be hers.

What a complicated relation ship, but I really enjoy every minutes of the dramas. I was happy that finally I can see both Jo Min Hyuk and Kang Yoo Jung are smiling and kissing in the end, they deserved it. It's been a while since I watched such a great drama

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