Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Review: Fated To Love You

Cast: Jang Nara, Jang Hyuk, Choi Jin Hyuk, Wang Ji Won

Gara-gara mabuk ketika sedang berlibur di Macau, Kim Mi Young akhirnya salah masuk kamar di hotel tempatnya menginap.
Ketika pagi menjelang, Lee Gun terkejut bukan main mendapati dirinya terbangun disisi Kim Mi Young.
Akhirnya Lee Gun dan Kim Mi Young terpaksa menikah karena Kim Mi Young mengandung.

Another remake, kali ini diambil dari drama Taiwan yang hits di tahun 2008 dengan judul yang sama: Fated to Love You. Meskipun remake, tapi alur cerita dibuat agak berbeda, alur cerita dibuat lebih simple, lebih pendek, lebih mengikuti jaman dan tentu saja "lebih korea", so.. versi taiwan dan korea ini jangan dibanding2kan yah.

Awalnya di Macau Lee Gun hendak melamar Kang Se-ra, mereka sudah 6 tahun berpacaran. Tapi karena karir, Se-ra memutuskan utk lebih dulu mengejar karir baletnya (that is in my opinion ga terlalu worth utk dikejar karena toh dia bukan prime balerina).
Sementara itu, Kim Mi Young juga sedang berlibur di Macau dan menginap di hotel yang sama dengan Lee Gun.

From episode 1 drama satu ini uda hilarious banget! Really really exciting to watch. Ketika akhirnya gara-gara 'one nite stand', Mi-young is pregnant, meski tadinya dia ga mau cerita-cerita, akhirnya the fact kebongkar jg dan Lee Gun yang memang sudah didesak utk menikah, akhirnya terpaksa menikahi Mi-young.

Awal pernikahan Lee Gun meminta Mi-young utk menandatangani surat cerai begitu si anak lahir.
Mi-young meski menyetujui tindakan suaminya itu, tapi ia mengatakan akan menandatangani surat itu nanti. Yang tak diduga Lee Gun adalah: pada akhirnya dia malah jatuh cinta pada Mi-young meski awalnya tak mengakui.

Jang Hyuk-Jang Nara, meski terakhir x mereka akting bersama 12 tahun yang lalu (story of a bright girl), tapi chemistry antara keduanya bagus banget. Lee Gun ini emang dibuat berlebihan, mulai dari cara dia ketawa, cara menyelesaikan masalah, cara pakaian, potongan rambut, pokoknya Lee Gun ini super 'lebay' and dimainkan dengan amat sangat baik oleh Jang Hyuk.

Kim Mi Young yang baik hati, tapi sering kali minder, ternyata mampu bikin Lee Gun kelimpungan, sampai akhirnya Lee Gun menjuluki istrinya ini dengan panggilan 'snail' (siput). Lee Gun merasa istrinya ini menempel spt siput kemanapun dia pergi, berjalan ke arahnya dengan amat lamban namun pasti.

Proses lepasnya Lee Gun dari mantan pacarnya, Kang Se-ra jg tidak bertele2. I think the baby and Kim Mi-young herself has made Lee Gun totally forget about Kang Se-ra. It's cute how he's sooo worry about anything that has to do with the baby (and of course to his wife too!) from morning sickness to pregnant classes . Lee Gun is such a loveable, heart-warming character to Mi-young herself and also to her family.   
I also glad how Lee Gun insisted to tell Se-ra the truth about his wedding even though Mi-young doesn't want Lee Gun to do so.

Se-ra, of course, ga gitu aja terima calon suaminya diambil wanita lain, so she used that 'divorce paper' and Lee Gun 'weird' sickness to drive Mi-young away. (Gosh!!! I hate this type of girl! So what if you lose you -soon to be husband- of yours? You've got 6 years!! I mean 6 years with him and you always throw that chance away. And you tell me now you want him back??) Asli g ga suka cewe ini, mana Wang Ji Won as Se-ra ini yah.. pas bener d, mukanya ga enak diliat wkwkwk.

Meski in the end Lee Gun and Mi-young berpisah after Mi-young miscarriage, but that's not because of Se-ra.
Their chemistry were so great even in sharing the same sadness about their lost child.
Perpisahan itu lebih karena Lee Gun merasa dirinya akan menyusahkan Mi-young dan ia tak ingin Mi-young sengsara, which I think.. what another selfish thought! He should have a little faith and give Mi-young a chance and let her decides if she wants to be with you or not, but I guess Lee Gun just too scare to hear Mi-young' answer.

And there's.. another 'hot guy' around Mi-young too, he called himself 'neighbor oppa' wkwkwkwk, what an absurd! Choi Jin Hyuk as Daniel Pitt, an internationally famous Korean-American designer yang sedang mencari adiknya yang hilang, kemudian bertemu dengan Mi-young dan awalnya menganggap Mi-young as his sister, since they shared the same birth name.
Daniel Pitt ini yah... is a character yang too good to be true "I'd do anything even let go my love for you as long as you are happy character wkwkwkwk, muncul dengan pakaian super warna warni sepanjang drama, penolongnya Mi-young, penemu bakat Mi-young juga and akhirnya see.. he falls for Mi-young. Even in the end he got rejected, but gladly he finally found his long lost sister.

As for Kim Mi-young, our hero lady. Even-though she is a 'post it' girl, I'm glad that she's not easily  persuaded by anyone else than her husband. She got her own basic, her own principle that I think is pretty steady too. She's patient, she's only listen to her husband, such a good wife. She even wins over her husband family. She's a honest person. She does not take any advantage of Daniel Pitt feeling for her, she told the truth and also sorry that she can't push her heart to be with Daniel betapapun baiknya si Daniel ini.
She's such a strong character, that she did not runaway to hear about Lee Gun' sickness, she embraces her husband and even show her love to him. For a small little lady, Mi-young has such a big heart.

Finally, the one that is always beside Lee Gun and Mi-young: their own family. The grandmother, the mother, the aunty, the little brother, the secretary, the best-friend, they're all sharing and adding more hilarious, funny scene to this drama from beginning to the end.
This is one big 'recommended' drama from me :)

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