"he" someone is thinking of you he is yearning to be near you that someone knows you hurt and he hears your tearing heart that someone is lo...
"don't judge a book by its cover" first impression.. well, i do intend to judge people on my first impression, it's hard not to :) but it usually right, so i find it har...
extravagant challenge from what i read on the manga: kyoko is strong girl, possessed a great hatred and revenge for her childhood love one: sho, her heart has a ...
romance & love do you think one beautiful memory of romance and love can keep you survive all the years? -i don't know-
love keeps going a good drama can mellow me for days!! hope a happy end for this one :) can't wait to watch it!
sex appeal an individual's ability to attract the sexual or erotic interest of another person. suddenly crossing my mind: what's your sex appe...
reaction vs attraction chemical reaction, physical attraction chemical attraction, physical reaction which one you prefer?
F.T Island - Hello hello [lyrics] this song now keeps rolling in my head over and over :D maybe it because i've been playing it for about 20 or 30 times? it's HELLO...
missing you our talk is easy, nothing serious but never meaningless even in silent we always find one another laughter is not because something fu...
the beginning a little introducing: i'm asian on my 30's, somewhere in the polluted city that i wish can be change :) it was Y2K when i had my f...